Clam’s projets de peur

It’s French election time and sacre bleu, the CEO of Rhodia/Solvay has only gone and not “stayed silent” about who he wants to win. As a former French civil servant, Monsieur ClamadiEU is well placed to know the score and he belongs in a circle where making money is guaranteed by lobbying for globalisation and EU propaganda in Brussels.

ClamadiEU has apparently “broken with tradition” and alongside other money making executives in France such as those wonderful environmentally friendly people as Veolia (lol) backed the pro European ex banking globalist Macron. The text of the French interview from Les Echos is translated into English below.

“On the evening of the first round, almost half of French voters gave their votes to candidates who made partial or total rejection of the European project a strong point of their programs and Marine Le Pen, the most radical in its anti-European speech, Reaches the second round of the presidential election. This vote seriously threatens the future by directly attacking nearly sixty years of common history around the construction of Europe.

As a leader of a large industrial group and as a citizen convinced of the historical rupture that the European construction represents, I can not remain silent. The next day proposed by some of us is the choice of withdrawal into oneself at a time when the uncertainty that hangs over the world, both from the point of view of the major societal and climatic stakes and from the geopolitical context, Stronger Europe.

Our fellow citizens who voted for the anti-European candidates expressed a legitimate anxiety. Europe no longer fulfills its protective role in the face of the monetary, economic, security and immigration crises. But we are all – politicians, business leaders, citizens – co-responsible for the decline of a project that was bequeathed to us after a conflict dominated by destructive nationalisms. Instead of trying to improve and adapt it, we criticized it forgetting to recognize its merits.

Europe is neither left nor right. It is, as the Republic is in France, a framework and means for guaranteeing the values, solidarity, dignity and development of all Europeans. Europe is an opportunity to reveal our potential. I perceive it every day: we operate in a single market that guarantees the circulation of quality, safe and competitive products; We have an area of economic and legal stability conducive to the economic development of enterprises and the well-being of citizens.

In the face of those who are proposing to get out of it, I would rather ask for a more ambitious Europe. To build this Europe we must first believe in ourselves. The borders that we brought down yesterday for trade and men must tomorrow fall on other subjects like taxation or social rights. More Europe is to continue to ensure that our universities and research centers continue to play a major role in the development and transfer of knowledge.

More Europe is creating the ecosystem that will allow our companies to play an equal part with the world leaders and to be the vectors of a social model imbued with European values. At a time when some would like to bury the European project, hiding the major economic and social setbacks that this would entail, I call for concrete initiatives for more Europe, building a more promising and inclusive future for our fellow citizens.”
ClamadiEU talks of “European values” , “safe and competitive products”. Of course he stays fairly silent on matters such as Rhodia’s appalling environmental pollution record: spillages, emissions, and in this part of the world fires.

CEFIC, the chemical industry lobby group from which he is a major player of course favour TTIP, and so no doubt does Macron.

It looks almost certain that he will be the new leader of France following the pitiful Holland, but of course it is a German cock in a frock that is really ruling the roost.



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